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Build plate adhesion issues?
Well thank you for the research and hard work Cliff! I received a reply back from customer support, it was what I was expecting. They declined having heard of any design flaw with the build plate of the Mars Pro.. strange since they changed it's design for the Mars 2 Pro. They then said they have heard of people sanding the build plate down to improve adhesion issues and suggested I give it a try. 11 days of waiting for a briefly somewhat dismissive reply, not the stellar customer service Amazon reviews rave about. Either way though I have figured out using build plates does seem to improve adhesion issues as well. I bought some 320 grit sand paper and was going to scuff it up a bit.

I can't say what that old tool is. Looks possibly like an old buffing tool?
My email exchanges with them have produced similar conundrums; "declined having heard of any design flaw with the build plate of the Mars Pro" and "heard of people sanding the build plate down to improve adhesion issues and suggested I give it a try" in the same message sure seem like conflicting statements to me...

I don't think my "quiz'is going to generate a whole lot of traffic--so here it is: It's a "shot bag" or "pouch", a sueded leather pouch filled with 30 oz. of lead shot, that is swung in your palm to bang dents from large sheet metal ducts. My first "engineering" job ("work-study" apprenticeship) at school in the 60's was with an industrial engineering company that specialised in larger (3 to 4+ feet) ductworks. As a 2nd year engineering student it was felt I could best gain engineering knowledge by working in the field installing ducts. I have had the silly thing since then; as I moved to desk work over the years it was my "goto" paperweight.
-cliff knight-
[Image: 816-20120803-wide800.jpg]
!!! CAUTION !!!

To all having problems with Mars Pro build-plate adhesion!

I have found that the Elegoo Water Washable resin (WWR), has a rather high tensile strength when cured--and that it will adhere to a mirror finish build-plate just fine.

This is one of those "learned the hard way" things. As those who have been following this thread know I bought a new "Pro' build-plate assembly a few days back. My initial impression was that its surface finish was too smooth (damned near mirror-like, see my posts above) and that was what was causing the numerous adhesion issues that have been reported. I had intended to break its shine with 220 grit paper tp test that theory, however through a series of unfortunate events I ended up scuffing it with a 60 grit disc.

On my first print--first print ever with the washable resin--the bottom layers struck like "it to a baby blanket' and had to be smashed off with a 2" chisel and hammer. i resurfaced the platen with 320 grit and tried again; a bit better but i still had to bang the print off the platen, and sand off some remaining resin (this gray washable stuff is HARD as a rock when cured).

I did a print with IPA washable resin and all was well. However going back to the WWR I once more found myself banging the model off the platen.

Considering it time for drastic action I fired up my 10" buffer and re-polished the build-plate to a near mirror shine--one more WW resin print and success--no platen adhesion issues and the model popped off the plate with a tap on the scraper, as it should.

Bottom line, if you do plan on using the WW resin DO NOT do any more than very lightly scuff up the build-plate.

I am going to open a new thread in the "Pro" modifications section to alert Pro owners of my findings....
-cliff knight-
[Image: 816-20120803-wide800.jpg]
I just set up my Mars Pro last night and I am having the same issue. I was able to print The Rook fine but I tried printing something a bit bigger (a dice jail) and twice I had no adhesion to the build plate and nothing on the FEP. Now that I saw the build plate issue I'm going to try sanding it down a bit when I get home and tweak some exposure settings (I'm using the Elegoo grey 3D Rapid Resin) hopefully that fixes it.

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