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heavy striations
Hi! I'm new to 3d printing but I'm loving it!

I printed a couple of test piece I've designed but they keep coming out with heavy striations on them:

This is the orientations I used on Chitubox:

On the last test I angled it by 5 degrees in both direction but I've tried 30 and 10 degrees too, all with the same results. Why it's happening?

The resin I'm using is Elegoo Black Resing and I'm using the parameters found on elegoo website 

I'm going to run another test with thicker base (currently the "base" of the object is 0.25 mm height, I'm going for 0.5 mm next time) but I'm not sure that this is the problem

Thank you!
not sure why you are getting those but the images you posted seem to be the same pic? Maybe you have some binding on the z carriage?
I get that sometime but only on the early (lower side) of my parts sometimes, I think mine is due to suction but yours is consistent
Not sure what happening with the image... here is the link again:

I've reprinted the same model with 8x antialias (as suggested on reddit) but got the same result back. I was able to get rid of 99% of the lines by printing it at 45 degrees:

Another maker on redding was able to print it correctly on the first go but I thik he printed it flat on the bed with no supports.

I also got the striations on models I printed previously at 45 degrees:

What's the source of those lines? What kind of bindind are you talking about?

Thank you!

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